No Knock Registry On January 13, 2025, the Norris City Council approved an ordinance amending the section of city code regulating door-to-door sales in the City of Norris. What does the Norris City Code say about peddling and soliciting?
Balancing the safety of Norris residents with the First Amendment rights of commercial solicitors, the City requires all commercial solicitors to obtain a permit. The ordinance also provides residents the right to prohibit solicitors by displaying a sign or placard bearing the notice “Peddlers or Solicitors Prohibited,” or similar language, at their residence. Newly added by Ordinance 696-2024, residents may register their home address in the “No Knock” registry.
What is a “Commercial Solicitor” or “Peddler?”
Norris City Code defines “Peddler” as any person/corporation who goes door-to-door with goods or wares and offers them for sale. “Solicitor” has a similar definition, but rather than having the goods with them, they simply take orders for merchandise to be delivered.
What is a “Non-Commercial Solicitor?”
Norris City Code defines “Solicitor for charitable or religious purposes” as any person, firm or corporation or organization who solicits contributions from the public (either in one location or door-to-door) for any charitable or religious organization. “Charitable” or “religious” organizations shall meet one of the following conditions:
a.Possesses a current exemption certification from the IRS under section 501(c)(3) b.Is a member of United Way, Community Chest, or similar “umbrella” organization c.Has been in continued existence as a charitable or religious organization in Anderson County for two (2) years before the date of permit application What are my options for managing door-to-door sales? Residents have two options:
Display signage that reads “Peddlers or Solicitors Prohibited” (or similar language) at or near the front of the residence.
This site contains the city’s “No Knock” registry. Residents may submit their address on the registry to be added to a “No Knock” list.
What is the difference between the “No Solicitation” sign and the “No Knock” registry?
A “Peddlers or Solicitors Prohibited” sign will prohibit all forms of solicitation from engaging in door-to-door contact at a residence. The “No Knock” registry will prohibit commercial solicitation but will allow non-commercial solicitation at a residence. Residents may choose one method, both, or neither depending on personal preference.
How will the Solicitation Ordinance be regulated?
If a residence is not listed on the registry or does not have a posted sign, solicitors may conduct door-to-door solicitation after obtaining a permit from the city. (Applicants will undergo a criminal background check as part of the permit process; permits will be denied to those with a criminal history.)
How do I report a Solicitation Ordinance violation?
Commercial Solicitors are prohibited from soliciting at any location listed on the City’s “No Knock” registry; all solicitors are prohibited from soliciting at a location with the posted “No Soliciting” sign. Solicitors must obtain a permit; residents have the right to ask to see a solicitation permit.
If a solicitor does not adhere to the registry, or the signage, or is not able to show proof of a permit, immediately report the violation by contacting the Norris Police Department at 865-494-0880.
Info for No Knock Registry
The information collected will be provided to commercial solicitation organizations in accordance with the Residential No Knock ordinance. Click here to
Your Name will NOT be included in this information-only your address.
The No Knock List will be updated each month to include new entries.
If you have already submitted your address, please do not submit it again. Check the list first to see if your address is already there.
Please give at least one month for the data to be updated before contacting the city office.
Please check your spelling and do not use abbreviations for street names. Please do not use ALL CAPS!