CITY OF NORRIS SPRING CLEAN UP Spring Clean-up starts mid-April each year. 2024 dates to be announced soon. Call the city office at 865-494-7645 or the Public Works office at 865-494-0351 if you have specific questions. The City of Norris will pick up objects at curbside that are not too heavy for two men to handle. Items that cannot be picked up are:
unused cleaning supplies
freezers, refrigerators (ALLOWED: Dishwashers, stoves, ovens, microwaves, and washer/dryers)
building materials
anything with asbestos
BRUSH PICKUP Brush pickup is normally the first full week of each month, except for November and December when leaf pickup has priority. For safety, residents are required to keep all plant materials off of the sidewalks, parking areas, street ditches and gutters. Brush should be placed near, but not beyond, the curb. All limbs should be placed with the cut ends facing the same direction and horizontally for ease of pick-up. Limbs may be no larger than 6 inches in diameter or 8 feet in length. Please bag other loose non-brush plant material (like grass clippings). There is a one truck load limit per pickup day. Logs must be cut to a size that a city worker can safely lift into a dump trucking tractor up to 500 lbs. Brush pick-up is for residents who collect brush from their property. If you have a professional tree company take down your trees the brush and wood is NOT to be put on the curb for the city to pick up. Disposal is your responsibility.
LEAF PICKUP Leaf Pickup normally begins at the end of October and stops the first full week of January.The beginning and end of pick-up season is weather dependent. Leaves must not contain any brush, rocks or anything that could damage the leaf vacuum system. Keep leaf piles off streets and sidewalks and out of street drainage ditches and gutters. For leaf pickup during the off-season (Jan-Oct), please bag leaves, grass clippings and other loose plant material (like pine needles and mulch). Keep weight under 30 pounds and set at the curb (in different location than trash/recycle) for city workers to pick up. Chipped brush and shredded leaves are stored at Public Works, 125 Cedar Place, and are free for pickup to residents of Norris for garden mulch. Pickup times are 7:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM Monday thru Friday.
CITY OF NORRIS RECYCLE GUIDE Location Where: Curbside every Tuesday in blue or brown recycling bins available at Norris City Office. Accepts: Paper – paper bags, cereal boxes, toilet paper, paper towel tubes, newspapers and advertising inserts, phonebooks, magazines, office paper ( with staples ok), colored paper, envelopes (window included), Plastic #1-7, metal cans (rinsed). Does Not Accept: Glass, non-container glass (light bulbs, windows, dishes, ceramics), soiled or wet paper, Styrofoam, foam trays, waked carton juice boxes. Plastic grocery bags, shrink wrap, containers with food scraps. Metal that is not an aluminum can, aerosol cans, aluminum foil, batteries, electronics, appliances.
Location: 20 Chestnut Dr. in the hallway outside of the city office. Accepts: Used eyeglasses, cell phones, and hearing aids.
Location: 125 Cedar Place at the entrance of the Norris Public Works Building. Accepts: Cardboard may be dropped off. Poor used motor oil into recycle tank or after hours leave in clean container (with tight lid) by the tanks.
Where: Blockhouse Valley Recycle Center, 1480 Blockhouse Valley Road Accepts: Dry rechargeable, lead acid, button batteries (alkaline batteries can go in trash), tires (with our without rims), automotive oil and filters, antifreeze, major appliances, scrap metal, fluorescent light tubes, compact fluorescent lights, oil-based paint, spray paint cans (no other types of aerosol spray cans are allowed).
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE CANNOT be disposed of at curbside or at any County Convenience Center. Wait for special collection events. Dates vary, as do items accepted during each event. The Norris Bulletin publishes announcements in advance with all the relevant details regarding each event. Examples of Hazardous waste: varnishes, stains, thinners, strippers, industrial coatings, drywall adhesives, caulk, household chemicals/cleaners, polishes, lawn and garden chemicals, pesticides, mixed automotive fluids, e.g., oil, antifreeze mixed with gasoline, other flammable liquids.