The Norris Water Commission meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Norris Community Building located at 20 Chestnut Drive. Meetings are subject to change so please check the city website for changes prior to arriving.
Special called meeting notifications are posted on the city website, the City Information Board in the lobby of the city office, and the city office bulletin board located outside the Norris Post Office. The public is encouraged to attend all of the NWC meetings. Norris Water Commission provides water at the requirements set by the Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation and the United States EPA. The tests required by our permit are completed by independent labs and ensure compliance, while the results are monitored by the Norris Water Department. The delivery of safe drinking water is one of the most important functions of the City of Norris, and these analyses ensure that safe drinking water is provided to the citizens of Norris.