Cannon & Cannon, Inc Consulting Engineering Field Surveyors Corrective Action Plan and Engineering Report 2022-05-11_revised_final_cap.pdf
Lead Service Line Inventory The Norris Water Commission (NWC) is providing the public a copy of the LSLI (Lead Service Line Inventory) developed and presented to the State of Tennessee. This inventory was mandated by the Federal and State agencies to be completed by October 16, 2024.
A service line is a portion of pipe that connects the water main to the building inlet. The water service line is owned partially by the NWC (main distribution line to the meter) and partially by the property owner (from the meter to the building). This service line material has been identified in the water system owned portion and in the property owner’s portion.
If you are planning to replace your service line, contact us at (865) 494-7645 prior to replacement so that we can coordinate our efforts.
Sources of Lead Exposure Lead is a common metal found in the environment. Although most lead exposure occurs when people eat paint chips and inhale dust, or from contaminated soil, the EPA estimates that 10 to 20 percent of human exposure to lead may come from lead in drinking water. Lead is rarely found in source water but enters tap water through corrosion of plumbing materials. Homes built before 1988 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures, and solder. However, new homes are also at risk: even legally designated “Lead-Free” plumbing may contain up to 8 percent lead. The most common source is brass and chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures, which can leach significant amount of lead into water, especially hot water.
Health Effects of Lead Exposure Exposure to lead in drinking water can cause serious health effects in all age groups. Infants and children can have decreases in IQ and attention span. Lead exposure can lead to new learning and behavior problems or exacerbate existing learning and behavior problems. The children of women who are exposed to lead before or during pregnancy can have increased risk of these adverse health effects. Adults can have increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney, or nervous system problems.
Ways to reduce exposure to lead with drinking water:
Run your water to flush out lead. Flushing the tap means running the cold-water faucet. It usually uses less than one gallon of water. If the water has not been used for several hours, run water for 15-30 seconds, or until it becomes cold, or until it reaches a steady temperature before using it for drinking or cooking. Flushing removes water that may contain lead from the plumbing lines.
Use cold, flushed water for cooking and preparing baby formula. Because lead from lead-containing plumbing materials and pipes can dissolve into hot water more easily than cold water, never drink, cook, or prepare beverages including baby formula using hot water from the tap. If you have not had your water tested or if you know that lead-containing materials and pipes exist within your home, it is recommended that bottled or filtered water be used for drinking and preparing baby formula. If you need hot water, draw water from the cold tap and then heat it.
Do not boil water to remove lead. Boiling water will not reduce lead; however, it is still safe to wash hands, dishes, shower, water plants, do laundry, etc.
Look for alternative sources or treatment of water if you are concerned about contaminants. You may want to consider purchasing a water filter or bottled water. Read the packaging to ensure the filter is approved to reduce lead or contact NSF International at 800-NSF-2010 or for more information on performance standards for water filters.
Options to get your child tested if lead or lead/galvanized lines are present. Visit the Tennessee Department of Health to learn more about children and lead or contact your healthcare provider to find out how you could get your child tested for lead if you concerned about lead exposure.
Get your water tested. Contact the City of Norris for a list of approved laboratories in your area that will test your water samples for a fee.
Identify plumbing fixtures containing lead. Although Tennessee law currently restricts the sale of plumbing fixtures not considered “Lead-Free,” new brass faucets, fittings, and valves, even those advertised as “Lead-Free” may still contribute lead to drinking water.
Replace plumbing or fixtures containing lead. Physical modifications or disturbances may cause lead release. If you are planning to replace your lead service line, contacts us at (865)494-7645.
Remove and clean aerators/screens on plumbing fixtures. Over time, particles and sediment can collect in the aerator screen. Regularly remove and clean aerators screens located at the tip of faucets and remove any particles.
Volunteer for Triennial Lead & Copper Tap Monitoring. NWC periodically tests a portion of the residences as required by TDEC for lead and copper levels and other water quality parameters throughout the distribution system. Participation in the sampling program is voluntary and free, but certain criteria must be met. If you are interested in participating in this program, please call us (865)494-7645.
Water softeners and reverse osmosis units will remove lead from water but can also make the water more corrosive to lead solder and plumbing by removing certain minerals; therefore, the installation of these treatment units at the point of entry into homes with lead plumbing should only be done under supervision of a qualified water treatment professional.
For more information on reducing lead exposure around your home/building and the health effects of lead, visit EPA’s Web site at, call the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791, contact your health care provider, or reach out to the State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation by mailing:
Lead and Copper in Drinking Water Davy Crockett Tower, 9th Floor 500 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243-1204
This notice and following inventory are provided to you by the Norris Water Commission (NWC) State Water System ID Number: TN0000513