The Norris Recreation Commission is responsible for providing and overseeing recreational programs for the residents of Norris. The commission establishes and maintains supervised activities using city-designated parks, playgrounds, and other recreational facilities. It plays an essential role in fostering community engagement and well-being by organizing recreation programs that serve the needs of residents of all ages.
To facilitate this responsibility, the Recreation Commission hosts a number of events and programs throughout the year. The Summer Rec Program is a long-lasting staple of Norris, and new events such as the Summer Picnic on the Commons and the Norris Halloween Trail are quickly becoming new traditions for families in Norris.
Norris City Code section 2-101 specifies that the Norris Recreation Commission shall consist of seven members; one shall be the mayor, one shall be a City Councilmember, and five shall be citizens of Norris. The current members of the Recreation Commission are as follows: