ONLINE PAYMENT Payments may be made by cash, check or credit card at the city office from 8 AM to 4:30 PM Monday-Friday. The office closes on Wednesdays at 12:00. You may place the payment in the drop box located to the right of the front door, or you may go to our website and pay through the link below. A processing fee - not collected by the City of Norris - will be applied to all online payments.
Welcome to the City of Norris payment portal for your Water, Sewer, and Solid Waste Utility Payment. Here are tips to help you get started for Water Utility payments:
When setting up your online account, select the office named "City of Norris Utility Billing."
For Utility Accounts- you will need your account number or address, which is located on both sections of your Utility Bill.
You may also call the toll-free phone number below for further assistance or to make a payment.
Utility Payment Toll-free Phone Number 877-470-6345
WATER SERVICE & FEES You may call the Norris City Office at 865-494-7645 for information on new water service, or you may follow the links below to download the paperwork for New Service or Disconnects. You may drop it off to the city office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:00 AM-4:30 PM, and on Wednesday from 8:00 AM – 12 PM. New Connection Fees: Homeowner $ 75.00 Renter $ 100.00 – Please bring your closing docs/lease agreement, and a valid driver’s license for us to copy for our records. Norris Water Commission - Application for Water Service
Disconnect Service: You will need to fill out a DISCONNECT form in the event that you move, or that you have a new renter who will need to have service established in their name. Norris Water Commission -Disconnect Water Service
Click the below link to download our Water Adjustment Policy: Water Adjustment Policy If you have had a leak and would like to apply for a billing adjustment: Norris Water Commission - Leak Adjustment BILLS All bills are mailed out around the 10th of each month and due on the 27th of each month. A 10% delinquent charge is due for bills paid after the 27th. Water, sewer, and garbage are a part of the Water Bill; no service fees are transferable or assignable.